Feb 12, 2022
by Natalie Wong I have always been fascinated by the mysterious ancient Egyptian culture. Since becoming the Marketing Assistant of Ancient Egypt Alive, I have been eager to learn more about the history and culture of this ancient civilization. So, I sought out...
Jan 13, 2022
A Dead Civilization Lives Again – as Archaeologists Resurrect and Vivify The Past By Laura Ranieri-Roy Magnificent pageantry, celebrations, mummies, some with golden tongues – another with a fetus inside her. 2021 was a resplendent year for Egypt. If 2019 and 2020...
Dec 24, 2021
by Laura Ranieri The ancient Egyptians may not have sent rockets into orbit like Musk, but they certainly pierced the sky with enduring wonders in stone. What name comes to mind when you think of the pyramids? Perhaps Khufu (Cheops) builder of the Great Pyramid? What...
Nov 25, 2021
Unveiling the mystery behind the mythical beast, triumphantly restored for the “Avenue of the Sphinxes” reopening: by Laura Ranieri Roy This week, the world’s spotlight shines on the grand re-opening of the processional way in Luxor – the great avenue and...
Oct 19, 2021
Special guest blog by Jeanne Whitehurst, English Egyptologist living in Aswan Temples were built for over 3,500 years in Ancient Egypt, the earliest, mostly, open courts sun temples to the sun god Re while the last one to be built was the cult Temple to Isis at Philae...
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