Charities We Love & Support
Supporting Egyptian Archaeology and Egypt’s Animals in Need
At Ancient Egypt Alive, we also work to make an impact. Egypt is by no means a wealthy country. Today its more than 100 million residents struggle to eke out a living for their family. Egypt depends heavily on its tourism – its number one industry – which has taken a hit with the revolution and now the pandemic. We try to do our part.

Beyond tourism, we also often fundraise and/or give a portion of our tours to important projects. Like the Amarna Project, directed by the late Barry Kemp and his wife archaeologist Miriam Bertram and Dr. Anna Hodgekinson, our dear friends, restoring Akhenaten’s kingdom in Middle Egypt. We have raised more than $5000 USD to date for this project.

Be part of the Great Aten Temple – get your name on a block at Amarna — for just 7 euros!
Great Aten Temple Project, led by Barry Kemp
Great Aten Temple Project, led by Barry Kemp, director, Amarna
Preferred Projects
Please visit our preferred projects – and give generously!
We also truly care about Egypt’s animals.
We support a number of Egypt animal causes, most notably Touch of Life Animal Sanctuary.
This caring sanctuary has a beautiful story. Started by a French woman. It’s a not-for profit, no kill, no cages animal charity established in 2007 in Giza, Cairo. It is close to our hearts and we have been supporting to them through fundraising talks and tour donations.
Four years ago, the founder, manager and president – a French woman – died suddenly. Funding from her many followers has dried up and the charity has moved to a more basic dwelling in order to put as much $ as possible towards the care of the animals.
- Not-for profit, no kill, no cage charity in Cairo
- Cares for over 300 cats, dogs and donkeys
- Dedicated to rescue, care, shelter of unwanted,
neglected, abused animals and the prevention
of cruelty through educational programs
and the importance of the animal-
human bond. - Relies on donations from around
the world
Learn more about TOL on Facebook:
Should you feel inclined, please make a donation to Touch of Life via PayPal to [email protected]
Just $5 a month would make a miraculous difference!
NEW- Our Go Fund Me Page so you can support these animals directly with a small donation each month.
We love this charity because they work tirelessly and everything goes right to the animals – not admin!
Photo Gallery
Laura on West bank of Luxor - with horse
Dr. Kent Weeks and his archaeological lead Ahmed outside Susan Weeks Library, West Bank, Luxor