The Everlasting Allure of Egypt!

The Everlasting Allure of Egypt!

Fond remembrances, a February 2024 Pyramids Temples Alive Egypt Tour Recap – and a Few of My Favourite Things! by Laura Ranieri Roy Call me obsessed, addicted, stark raving mad – I have travelled to Egypt 16 times – or is it 17 now? I can’t stop. Though ancient, Egypt...
Hair of the Pharaohs

Hair of the Pharaohs

Hair and moustaches in Ancient Egypt By Laura Ranieri Roy Did ancient Egyptians have fancy hair stylists and barbers – even at the dawn of their civilization? Was it considered cool to follow the latest trends set by the kings and the elite? What about having groomed...
The Mysterious tomb(s) of Ay: Tutankhamun’s successor

The Mysterious tomb(s) of Ay: Tutankhamun’s successor

            We are thrilled to feature the beautiful photography and commentary of our friend Egyptologist Sharon Davidson in this guest blog about the tombs of Ay. Ay is an interesting character. He may have been a brother or...