All about the Rosetta Stone

All about the Rosetta Stone

200-year celebration: Champollion, the basalt slab & how the hieroglyphic code was cracked. By Laura Ranieri Roy In September 1822, the eureka moment happened. An impoverished young French scholar, Jean Francois Champollion, made a giant leap forward to solve the...
Celebrating fatherhood in Ancient Egypt

Celebrating fatherhood in Ancient Egypt

Pharaoh and Son – or daughter? An everlasting bond. By Virginia Martos Armenteros Happy Father’s Day to all! Surely most fathers will be spending today relaxing with their families: having brunch with those near and dear, or reading special postcards,...
The Allure of Egypt’s Pyramids in Post Pandemic Times

The Allure of Egypt’s Pyramids in Post Pandemic Times

How Egypt’s enduring antiquities give us hope, insight, and inspiration. Ahhh…The pyramids of Egypt. Their magnificence, antiquity, and unfathomable human accomplishment inspire awe and amazement. Can you imagine how divine they would have appeared when still covered...
Bread in Ancient Egypt.

Bread in Ancient Egypt.

How it was made, how it tasted, archaeological findings, and other fun facts. By Virginia Martos Armenteros. Bread. Who hasn´t tried to make it during the pandemic to kill the hours? Few smells in this life are sweeter freshly baked bread right out of the oven. Fluffy...
Egyptian Treasures of the Vatican Museums

Egyptian Treasures of the Vatican Museums

By Laura Ranieri Roy It was my extreme pleasure this May (though the displeasure of my feet, which trod more than 4 hours through this massive complex) to visit the great Vatican Museum in the Vatican City, Rome. What an embarrassment of riches it holds...