Searching for Nubian Gold

Searching for Nubian Gold

A pastiche of stories from our journey through Sudan, October 2021 by Laura Ranieri Roy We were honoured to be part of a small group of travel experts and journalists to travel through the unfathomed land of North Sudan in October 2021 – and met with wonders each step...
Ancient Egyptian Temples – an in-depth look

Ancient Egyptian Temples – an in-depth look

Special guest blog by Jeanne Whitehurst, English Egyptologist living in Aswan Temples were built for over 3,500 years in Ancient Egypt, the earliest, mostly, open courts sun temples to the sun god Re while the last one to be built was the cult Temple to Isis at Philae...
Secrets of Egypt: Saqqara, Saites and Sarcophagi

Secrets of Egypt: Saqqara, Saites and Sarcophagi

Lifting the Lid on the Late Period Mummy Finds Who were these dead Egyptians? And why were they buried at Saqqara Egypt? By Laura Ranieri Roy Yet another massive cache of breathtaking ancient treasures was revealed from under the sands of Egypt… this January at the...
10 years of Egypt: 2010-2020

10 years of Egypt: 2010-2020

My Decade of Egyptomania by Laura Ranieri Khufu took almost 30 years to build the great pyramid. Some 4600 years later and for one sweet decade, I have immersed myself in the world of Egypt, both ancient and modern. It has been a journey of empowerment, adventure and...