Meet the Elon Musk of Pyramid Innovation

Meet the Elon Musk of Pyramid Innovation

by Laura Ranieri The ancient Egyptians may not have sent rockets into orbit like Musk, but they certainly pierced the sky with enduring wonders in stone. What name comes to mind when you think of the pyramids? Perhaps Khufu (Cheops) builder of the Great Pyramid? What...
Egyptian Sphinxes: Beyond the Avenue

Egyptian Sphinxes: Beyond the Avenue

Unveiling the mystery behind the mythical beast, triumphantly restored for the “Avenue of the Sphinxes” reopening: by Laura Ranieri Roy This week, the world’s spotlight shines on the grand re-opening of the processional way in Luxor – the great avenue and...
Ancient Egyptian Temples – an in-depth look

Ancient Egyptian Temples – an in-depth look

Special guest blog by Jeanne Whitehurst, English Egyptologist living in Aswan Temples were built for over 3,500 years in Ancient Egypt, the earliest, mostly, open courts sun temples to the sun god Re while the last one to be built was the cult Temple to Isis at Philae...
A Few Great Greeks in Egypt

A Few Great Greeks in Egypt

by Amtul Jabeen and Laura Ranieri ‘You Greeks are children infront of us’, said an Ancient Egyptian Priest to a Greek in 6th Century BC. His words prophesied the beginning of the great civilization of Greece, and the domination of Greeks in Egypt from...
Egyptian Mummies Show Gets “Unmasked”

Egyptian Mummies Show Gets “Unmasked”

British Museum mummy show breathes life into ROM after lockdown. By Laura Ranieri A priest’s spectacular golden mask. A temple singer with three stunning, ornate nested coffins. A roman baby who was given a lavish burial. At the British Mummies show opening this week...