Egypt In-Depth

with Laura Ranieri Roy!

An inspiring 15-day Egyptologist-led experience of the wonders of Egypt

March 8 – 22, 2025

$6,295 USD* PP / $1,895 USD* Single Supplement


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Full Itinerary

Trip Details

An inspiring 15-day small group Grand Tour of Egypt including a Deluxe Nile Cruise, Middle Egypt (Amarna), Abu Simbel – and the Grand Egyptian Museum.

All the classic wonders… plus Middle Egypt’s hidden gems!


Embark on an extraordinary small-group tour like no other with Egyptologist Laura Ranieri Roy. Discover the timeless splendors of ancient Egypt and hidden wonders rarely seen. From the great city of Cairo with its iconic Pyramids at Giza and Dashur through the 4000-year-old tombs of Saqqara all the way to Luxor’s vividly painted Valley of the Kings and the majestic Abu Simbel.
Plus, we’ll also take a rare overland journey to explore the rarely visited gems of Middle Egypt. See the collapsed Pyramids of Meidum, the rock-cut tombs of Beni Hasan, and Akhenaten’s legendary city of Amarna. Marvel at the breathtaking temples of Abydos and Denderah enroute to Thebes, city of 100 gates. Then, enjoy a deluxe 4-night Nile cruise, experiencing the serene beauty of the Nile and its timeless treasures to the serenity of Aswan.
Enjoy deluxe accommodations, expert guides, special experiences, and dedicated care each step of the way.
Led by Canadian Egyptologist Laura Ranieri Roy and Egyptian Egyptologist Nabil Labib, Egypt In-depth: March 8, 2025, offers unparalleled access to Egypt’s most treasured sites, capturing the spirit of Victorian adventurers. Join us for an enlightening and unforgettable journey through history.
Climb into pyramids, immerse yourself in the colourful souks and village life, sail the Nile like Cleopatra– and be transformed in this exciting and exotic two-week, small group cultural adventure featuring all the highlights (and hidden treasures) of Egypt – including the wonders of Middle Egypt: Amarna, Meidum Pyramid, Beni Hasan, Denderah and Abydos!

Tour Highlights:

  • Be awestruck at the Giza Pyramids: See the Sphinx, Solar boat, Old Kingdom tomb(s) and enter inside one of the Great Pyramids to connect viscerally to thousands of years of history.
  • Go in-depth at the sites – designed for travellers with an interest in Egyptian history.
  • See Egypt’s highlights (Giza Pyramid, Sakkara, Valley of the Kings, Cairo Museum, Karnak) plus hidden-treasure tombs, temples and pyramids including Step, Meidum, Bent & Red
  • Experience the stunning beauty and power of Abu Simbel, Seti Temple Abydos – and a Ptolemaic masterpiece, the temple of Hathor at Dendera in Middle Egypt
  • Explore rarely visited Middle Egypt: Beni Hasan & Amarna
  • Sail like Cleopatra on a deluxe all-inclusive 4-night Nile cruise – visiting temples and sites along the way Travel with a collegial and cultured small group (no more than 20 people) 
  • Support Archaeology! – $100 USD of each ticket will go to the Amarna Trust for the restoration/rebuilding of Akhenaten’s great temple of Aten

Deluxe hotels, all inclusive Nile cruise ship, site admissions, all guides, all breakfasts, 13 lunches 5
dinners included.

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Full Itinerary




Detailed Itinerary

Day 1  Saturday, March 8: Welcome to Cairo
You will be greeted at the airport and transferred to your centrally located hotel – the Cairo Fairmont in the heart of Cairo.
  • In the evening, meet your fellow travelers at a welcome dinner and short opening presentation by Laura. Those arriving early (and raring to go) will have the opportunity to take an optional afternoon excursion.
  • Overnight Cairo Fairmont, or similar D
Day 2  Sunday, March 9: The Citadel, NMEC & Islamic Cairo
  • We start our day with a gorgeous panoramic view of the city from way up in the medieval Citadel of Saleh el Din, a marvel of medieval warfare, built (in places) with limestone from the Great Pyramid. There, we’ll also tour a 14th century open air mosque and the beautiful 19th century mosque of Mohammed Ali.

Salah al Din's Citadel Inside Mohamed Ali Mosque







  • After the Citadel, we explore the greatest Islamic building in Egypt: The Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan. This magical place is one of the largest mosques in the world and certainly the finest piece of early-Mamluk architecture dating to 1363 BCE. We will venture in to feel the centuries of devotion still residing here – and perhaps even hear the stunning voice of the Muezzin (the one appointed to sing call to prayer). If time permits, we will walk across to visit the 19th c. mosque of El Refai.
  • Lunch at AL AZAR Park
  • Islamic Cairo: This afternoon we will
  • After lunch, we will head to the new NMEC – The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. We have a tour of the museum, replete with masterpieces of Egyptian arts and crafts through the ages and new home of the Royal Mummies. This will be a special treat as the museum has only fully been open since 2021 and is artfully designed to showcase its wonderful collection of antiquities dating from Pharaonic through Islamic times. The new presentation of the royal mummies in family groups with their burial goods is wonderful to see.
  • In the evening, we head out to see a colourful and authentic Sufi show (whirling dervishes) at the  1100 year-old Wekalet El Ghouri Arts Center.
  • Overnight Cairo Fairmont, or similar B, L
Mosque of Sultan Hasan


Day 3  Monday, March 10: Giza Plateau
  • The last surviving of the Seven Wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid of Giza is perhaps the most famous tourist site in the world. The Giza plateau itself, with its three major pyramids plus Queen’s pyramids, ancient mastabas, Sphinx and the ubiquitous and colourful camel drivers is a much-anticipated highlight of any trip. For our visit, we will also climb inside the pyramid of Kephren or Khufu – an exciting experience and a real highlight of the Giza visit. While on the plateau, we will also visit the extraordinary Sphinx and Khafre’s valley temple.
  • Lunch at 9 Pyramids view restaurant – with a beautiful panoramic view of the Pyramids

Pyramid of Khufu - gleaming like the sun god!Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure






  • In the evening, we will return to our hotel for dinner on your own.

Main Hall of Grand Egyptian Museum






  • Overnight Cairo Fairmont, or similar B, L
Day 4  Tuesday, March 11:  Dashur and the Egyptian Museum
  • Today we will be up early, we drive to the area of “Dashur” – south west of Cairo to visit two of the earliest pyramids in Egypt: the Bent, and the impressive and intact Red, both built by King Senefru c. 2500 BCE. The Bent retains most of its casing stones. Climbing inside the Red will be optional – and for the fit and adventurous minded only as it is an athletic climb. This Dashur region presents a wonderful opportunity for pyramid exploration …far from the crowds of Giza.

Approaching the Bent Pyramid





  • Lunch in a local restaurant
  • After lunch we will visit the Egyptian Museum, home to many of the greatest treasures of ancient history. It is even likely that we may be one of the first to experience the long-awaited opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza. Whichever museum is still home to the treasures, we will tour the highlights, including Tutankhamen’s golden mask, magnificent colossi, furniture and granite sarcophagi/statues of the Old Kingdom. Beyond the well-known treasures like Khephen Enthroned, the treasures of Tanis and the golden wonders of Yuya and Thuya – you will also find rooms of opulent jewelry, ornate coffins, animal mummies – and strange and ancient curiosities. A microcosm of thousands of years of Egyptian art and history. If the Grand Egyptian Museum is not yet open, this is where you will still see many of Tutankhamun’s treasures.






  • Overnight Cairo Fairmont Hotel, or similar B, L
Day 5  Wednesday, March 12: The wonders of Sakkara and the Step Pyramid
  • We will enjoy an intensive full day exploring this rich archaeological site – which is most notably the location of Djoser’s Step Pyramid, the oldest in Egypt. We will see Old Kingdom tombs, such as the breathtaking Mereruke, the mastaba of Ty, the tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhknum (The Royal Manicurists), the tomb of Ptahotep (please note tombs opening and closures change, we will see tombs that are currently open at the time)
  • We will also have the exciting opportunity to enter either the Pyramid of King Unas or King Teti, from the later Old Kingdom. Although small, these are the very first to feature pyramid texts carved on its walls, some still retaining traces of ancient colour.
  • Next, we will tour the Sakkara complex, including the Step pyramid itself, Djoser’s court and the causeway. We hope also to tour the fascinating and splendid Serappeum home of the Apis bull – seldom included on a mainstream tourist visit.

Step Pyramid of Saqqara





  • Lunch in the garden of the beautiful Sakkara Palms.
  • After lunch we head back to the hotel for an evening at leisure.  
  • Overnight Cairo Fairmont B,L
Day 6  Thursday, March 13: Middle Egypt, Meidum Pyramid & Beni Hasan
  • This morning, we say goodbye to the Cairo area and Lower Egypt, boarding our air-conditioned motor coach to drive to Minya in the middle of the country. We will stop at the rarely-visited ancient Meidum Pyramid, second oldest in Egypt after the Step Pyramid, and yours to explore inside and out!
  • Adventure option: Test your ‘tomb raider’ skills by crawling on knees and hands into one of the challenging nearby Old Kingdom mastabas to reach the burial chamber.
  • Today we will have a boxed lunch to enjoy enroute.
  • Before arriving in the modern city of Minya, we will cross the Nile and climb up a windswept hill to visit the great rock-cut tombs of Beni Hasan (2000-1800 BC), remarkable for their unique middle kingdom art featuring colorful scenes of wrestling men and rural life. You will enjoy secluded surroundings and the beautiful panoramic views of the middle Egypt countryside all around.
  • After touring 4 of the tombs and possibly the nearby temple of Artemis, we continue to Minya for hotel check-in and dinner.






  • Overnight Savoy Hotel, Minya  B,L,D
Day 7 Friday, March 14: Amarna, City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti!
  • This morning we cross the Nile early to visit the great site of Tell El-Amarna, a city built by Akhenaten and Nefertiti during the New Kingdom – and the birthplace of Tutankhamun! A fascinating city of palaces, open air temples, zoos — it lasted only 15 years. When young Tutankhamun took over, it was abandoned and the capital moved back to Luxor This will be a very special day where we will take a private tour  of the site.
  • Highlights of the sprawling site include the north and south tombs of the nobles that feature remnants of beautiful, vibrant and naturalistic wall relief. Like Beni Hassan, these tombs are located high in the hills, affording us some lovely countryside views. We’ll also see the Northern Palace, one of the Boundary Stele (a marker of the city limits), the Southern Palace and the beautifully restored tomb built for Akhenaten.
  • Boxed lunch*
  • After touring Amarna, we will drive to the lovely and spiritual House of Life Hotel in Abydos






  • Overnight House of Life Hotel, Abydos B,L,D
Day 8  Saturday, March 15: Two Temple Masterpieces – Seti Temple Abydos & Hathor Temple Denderah
    • Today you will visit the first of two great temples in Egypt – and ones not always on the mainstream travelers’ itinerary. The great Temple of Seti I. In the morning we take a pleasant stroll from our hotel to the cenotaph-temple of Seti I. The carvings within are probably the most symmetrically beautiful the Egyptians ever created. Explore behind the temple to find the eerie Osirium and a little visited temple of Rameses II.
    • Lunch at House of Life hotel






  • After lunch, we eave for Luxor visiting the three-level temple of Hathor at Denderah, It was built during Ptolemaic and Roman times – and is the most complete of Egypt’s ancient temples and one of the best restored. This is where Cleopatra possibly honeymooned with Julius Caesar and you can see her image at the back. The ceiling of vibrant blue and greens shows sky goddess Nut (pronounced: Noot) swallowing the sun and giving birth to the new day. This is also a very rare two story temple where the New Years Day Festival was celebrated – with Hathor’s union with Horus as the new day sun. Venture deep into the crypt to see strange reliefs. Go up on the roof to see the site of the fascinating zodiac ceiling – the oldest in the world.
  • From Denderah, we drive to check into our beautiful Luxor hotel on the Nile: The Steigenberger (dinner on your own).
  • Overnight Steigenberger Luxor B, L



Day 9 Sunday, March 16: Thebes/Luxor: & Afternoon visit to the West Bank
  • Today you will wake up in Luxor: Thebes, city of a hundred gates, to the ancients.
  • We give you a morning to relax and do some optional touring or rest by pool – the hotel is right  on the Nile.
  • We will have a midday or early afternoon tour to the West bank to visit some very special tombs of the nobles in Abd el Qurna
  • Afterwards we will visit the enchanting Valley of the Workers, home to a complete ancient village and stunning tombs of the craftsmen who built the King’s final resting place. Finally, we will view the Colossi of Memnon, the great gateway of the temple of Amenhotep III.








  • In the evening, why not consider a visit to the souk – or a drink at the Winter Palace?
  • Overnight Steigenberger Luxor , B
Day 10 Monday, March 17: Karnak & Luxor Temples
  • You may wish to book an early morning balloon ride – before the day begins. Or you can schedule this for Day 8. Today we will visit Karnak Temple. We will have all morning to explore the great complex of Karnak – largest in Egypt. Karnak was built over a period of 3000 years by almost every Pharaoh of Egypt from the Middle Kingdom onwards. Marvel at the great Avenue of the Sphinxes, Hatshepsut’s obelisk – and the great Hypostyle Hall of Ramses the Great and his father Seti I. We’ll also visit the sacred lake and zoological gardens (engraved in stone) of Thuthmosis III.
  • After Karnak – we will proceed to board our cruise ship – and enjoy a leisurely lunch
  • In the later afternoon we will have a twilight visit Luxor temple to see the magnificence of Amenhotep III, Ramses the II – and walk along the recently re-opened Avenue of the Sphinx as the sun sets.
  • We return to the ship for a lovely dinner and a Belly Dance show,
  • Overnight Nile cruise, Acamar cruise or similar B, L, D
Day 11 Tuesday, March 18: Valley of the Kings, Colossi of Memnon & Hatshepsut Temple
  • This morning, we will visit the famous and breathtaking Valley of the Kings, with their vibrant colours and wonderful stories. Here you will have a chance to enter into three of the King’s tombs, based on what is open. You will also have an opportunity to enter into special tombs like Seti I, Ramses V, VI or Tutankhamun (extra cost for these).







  • Next, we visit the mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, nestled into the pink mountains – Meret Seger – meaning “she who loves silence.” This was the great temple of the woman who would be king – one of Egypt’s greatest builders in the New Kingdom.
  • Today you will wake up in Luxor: Thebes, city of a hundred gates, to the ancients.
  • We return to the ship for lunch. Sail to Edfu  – enjoying the scene along the Nile.
  • High tea will be served on the upper deck. In the evening enjoy a dressup “Gallabiyah” party.







  • Overnight Nile cruise, Acamar or similar B, L, D
Day 12 Wednesday, March 19:  Edfu and Kom Ombo Temples – and Sailing
  • After breakfast, we will visit visit Edfu- a stunning Ptolemaic temple. This temple is the most complete in Egypt – and devoted to the hawk god Horus.
  • Lunch on board.
  • We sail upstream (south) to Kom Ombo, where we will visit the unusual double temple of Kom Ombo dating from Ptolemaic times, around 100 BCE. The southern half of the temple was dedicated to t he crocodile god Sobek, god of fertility and creator of the world with Hathor and Khonsu. Meanwhile, the northern part of the temple was dedicated to the falcon god Haroeris, also known  as Horus the Elder. We can also visit the crocodile mummy museum.
  • We will have a relaxing late afternoon onboard watching the changing shorelines as we cruise south enroute to Aswan.






  • Overnight Acamar Nile Cruise or similar B, L, D
Day 13 Thursday, March 20: Philae Temple at Qubbet el Hawa
  • This morning, we will depart via bus and motorboat to visit the great temple of Isis on Philae island, the last operational temple in Egypt in which Egyptians worshipped for centuries until the Roman Emperor Justinian closed its doors in the 6th Century CE. The entire temple – with its beautiful statuary and reliefs was moved onto this island in the 1970s to preserve it from submersion after the creation of the new Aswan dam.
  • We’ll also see the ancient rock quarries where the Egyptians got their finest limestone – and climb up to view the great unfinished obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut.








  • Lunch on board
  • After lunch have an excursion to visit the rock cut tombs of Qubbet et Hawa. cut into the high cliffs across the river from the modern city of Aswan, This is the site of an elite Old and Middle Kingdom cemetery. You’ll enjoy breathtaking vistas as you explore the seldom-visited tombs of the high officials – a real off-the-beaten track experience. “Autobiographies” carved into their facades provide fascinating details of the lives of these men, several of whom led trading and military expeditions south into Nubia.






  • After visiting Qubbet el Hawa we will have a boat or felucca ride to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the Nile at Aswan
  • There will also be an optional evening tour to see the Philae Sound and Light show, tonight or tomorrow night.
  • Overnight Acamar cruise or similar B, L, D

Day 14 Thursday, March 21: Aswan Abu Simbel Temples overland
  • This morning, we board our coach early and begin an exciting road trip south to experience the grandeur of what is arguably Egypt’s greatest temples of all: Abu Simbel. These huge rock-cut temples marked the southern boundary of the Egyptian Empire with Nubia at the peak of its power during the New Kingdom. They were meant to convey the power of Egypt’s rulers to anyone who laid eyes upon them. The great statues of Ramses and his wife Nefertari that adorn their facades are awe-inspiring and the four statues guarding the doorway to the larger of these temples are the largest sculptures that survive from the Pharaonic era.   Enroute to Abu Simbel, we stop at a marvel of modern engineering: the Aswan High Dam.





  • Lunch at Nubian Ecolodge
  • Overnight Aswan, Sonesta Nouba or similar B, D
Day 15  Friday, March 22: Return to Cairo and Grand Egyptian Museum
  • This morning, we check out of the hotel early and are transferred to the airport to fly back to Cairo. There, we enjoy a special tour of the Grand Egyptian Museum (if open).
  • The magnificent Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) – the largest and most spectacular archaeological museum in the world at the foot of the pyramids. Here we will wander through 5000 years of Egyptian history – seeing masterpieces like the great colossus of Ramses and the world’s first hanging obelisk to the solar boats of King Khufu and all the dazzling treasures of King Tutankhamun – 5400 pieces — newly restored and brought together in a stunning exhibit that takes you through the story of the boy king’s life. The astounding GEM may be considered yet another wonder of the world that Egypt now can claim.
  • A farewell lunch will be enjoyed at a local restaurant.







  • From there, transfer to airport to catch flight home – or continue your travels.
  • B, L




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Photo Gallery

Great Sphinx of Giza

Valley of the Kings tombs, West Bank Luxor

The Luxor Temple

Beautiful Cruise down the Nile

Tomb of Ramses V-VI, Valley of the kings

Hathor Temple in Dendera

Your Tour Guides

Laura Ranieri Roy

A passionate Egyptologist, Laura is a widely respected and engaging speaker on all things Ancient Egypt. She obtained her MA in 2016 from the University of Toronto, and has given talks across North America (and in Europe and Asia virtually) at schools, museums, associations, public libraries and at The American Research Centre in Egypt (ARCE) conferences.  Laura has led numerous trips to Egypt where her background as a professional writer and storyteller ensures that the history of Egypt leaps vividly to life.  She has participated in archaeological excavations at South Asasif, Amarna, Egypt and at a classical Greek site in Bulgaria. She has interviewed many leading figures in the field, including Donald Redford and Barry Kemp who currently runs the dig at Amarna – Akhenaten’s capital. (Join our mailing list to learn more about her interviews.)

 A popular educator, Laura regularly teaches at Third Age Network learning institutes across Canada, such as Later Learning in Retirement (out of Glendon College), Later Life Learning (our of Innis College), the Life Institute (Ryerson University, Trent University and more. For more information on her courses, contact Laura at [email protected] .

Nabil Labib

Egyptian Egyptologist Guide & Architect

Nabil is a respected architect and Egyptian Egyptologist who has led tours to Egypt for more than two decades. As a professional architect, he also brings a deep understanding of the ancient monuments and their construction. Nabil is an in-demand lecturer and tour director who holds two degrees both from Helnan University: Architecture and Tourism. He brings warmth, a rich knowledge of the sites, along with a personable story-telling style to bringing the history of Egypt Alive.


Egypt In-Depth – with Laura Ranieri Roy!

Friday March 8 – Saturday March 23, 2025

Trip Details


$ 6,295 USD* per person

$1,895 USD* single supplement

(*Prices are subject to change)

Payment Schedule

  • Deposit to hold your spot: $250.00 non-refundable to hold your spot due at the time of registration
  • next non-refundable deposit of 20% of the total amount is due to be received on 09-08-2024
  • Rest of payment is due to be received 60 days from date of arrival together with the final rooming list.

Package includes

  • 05 nights accommodation in Cairo at 5-star Fairmont Cairo or similar on BB Basis.
  • 01 night accommodation at Savoy Hotel, Minya or similar on BB basis
  • 01 Night Accommodation at House of Life Abydos, FB basis
  • 02 nights accommodation in Luxor Steigenberger or similar on BB Basis.
  • 04 nights accommodation on board of M/S Acamar Nile cruise or similar on FB Basis.
  • 01 nights accommodation in Aswan at Sonesta Nouba hotel or similar on BB Basis.
  • All transfers throughout with air-conditioned private bus
  • Entrance fees with entry as mentioned.
  • Laura Ranieri – Canadian Egyptologist – with min 8 people
  • English speaking Egyptologist guide throughout
  • 14 breakfast, 13 lunches, 5 dinners
  • Baggage handling and portage
  • mineral water everyday on the bus
  • Service charges and taxes
  • Includes Cairo-Luxor & Aswan to Cairo flight
  • A $100 USD donation to the Amarna Trust for the archaeological work at Amarna in honour of Barry Kemp

Packages Excludes

  • Entry visa
  • International flight ticket
  • Insurance – medical or cancellation – both recommended
  • Tips for Egyptian Tour Guide and drivers

Insurance – medical or cancellation – both recommended

$250USD non-refundable deposit to confirm. Final due 60days prior to departure.

Cancellation conditions:

60 days or more deposit is non refundable

59 – 31 days prior to departure 50% is non-refundable

30 days or less prior to departure 100% non-refundable

Ready to Book? Have Questions?

Contact us at [email protected]
To book your reservation or for more information, please fill in the form below.